Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie Starcast And Their Salary: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a Hollywood animated superhero comedy film, Which is Directed by Ant Ward and Andy Suriano. This movie is based on the Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated television series. Actors who has given voices for film are Ben Schwartz, Omar Benson Miller, Brandon Mychal Smith, Josh Brener, Kat Graham, Eric Bauza. The film is released on 5 August 2022 on Netflix. Here is the salary of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie Starcast.
1. Ben Schwartz as Leonardo
Salary : $ 70,000
2. Omar Benson Miller as Raphael
Salary : $ 50,000
3. Brandon Mychal Smith as Michelangelo
Salary : $ 30,000
4. Josh Brener as Donatello
Salary : $ 25,000
5. Kat Graham as April O’Neil
Salary : $ 20,000
6. Eric Bauza as Splinter
Salary : $ 15,000
7. Haley Joel Osment as Casey Jones
Salary : $ 10,000
8. Rhys Darby as Hypno-Potamus
Salary : $ 10,000